Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Told by birdie about upcoming event!
Wish I could be there to help celebrate but a little package is headed your way that is only about three years too late.
So happy that you have joined our blog. Look forward to your updates and perspectives! Emily too depressing to think about but I will certainly keep you posted on ANYTHINGthat happens as your support will be greatly appreciated. I can only wonder who Maddie and Brewster are? Can they be new kitties or some other family pet? Were they biting each other's legs or was that in reference to Tom and yourself? Also, who is Alex? Thank you for the great juke box and trip down memory lane (Elvis). Could not access Sarah's photos at Shutterfly address.

Thank you for your updates on Andy's employment and Sarah's coffee preference. I don't watch either of those TV shows, sorry. We watch the crab fishing, Anthony Bourdain (my personal fave), gang shows on history channel, preferably specific to inmates tattooing themselfs in prison with rusted cans and, of course, The Closer.
Debbie, so happy to hear of your wonderful time with your daughter. She is so lucky to have you for a mom and vice versa. Have you tried the new OreIda frozen potato buds? They are new and make mashed potato a cinch!
Yesterday to celebrate the holiday, Larry and I let the pets out (2 horses, 1 donkey, 2 goats, and 1 pig) out into the yard to run wild. It was dangerous at first but, eventually, they all calmed down and started grazing. They practically knocked me over when I brought out apples and carrots with the big animals teetering on our little porch.
Talk to you soon. Love your updates. Sincerely, Old McDonald.

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