Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hi Everyone!!

Hello from Australia everyone!
This blog is such a great way to connect, thanks to Leah for setting it up. I think I finally understand it, atleast a little bit. Also, thanks to Leah for posting some of my facebook photos to this blog ( I don't mind, it was a good idea since I mastered facebook before the blog). Anyways, I am living just outside Perth, Western Australia in an international student village with about 900 students (mostly international and those from other states in Australia). In Australia, it is the norm to commute to Uni so those who live on campus are from countries all over the world and places in Australia at least an hour or so from campus. I live with 2 Americans (one from North Carolina and one from Wisconsin) and I also live with an South Australian from Adelaide and a person from the French Island of Reunion. So far things have been great. The weather is beautiful, its exciting to be living in the complete opposite climate, and pretty much every Aussie i've met is exceptionally friendly. My favorite things I've done so far have been going snorkeling and biking around Rottnest Island, taking an Environmental awareness course at Rottnest Island, trying surfing at Trigg Beach in WA, exploring the small port town of Fremantle, WA, and meeting people from all over the United States and world. I take three classes while I am here. Two of them are really interesting so far. I am taking "Black Indigenous Music" which chronicles the history of music of the Native Aboriginal people (thought to be the oldest civilization on earth of at least 60,000 years old.) It is definately one of the most fascinating classes and subjects I have ever learned about. It is all about nature, ancestors and spirituality. My professor is Aboriginal from the North, she has long dread locks, never pays attention to the time, and always tells us about Aboriginal events going on around us. My other class is International Management, in which the professor is extremely knowledgeable and we mainly have been discussing cultural similarities and differences (perfect for an international student studying abroad.) Its funny being an American in Australia. So far they think I have a cool accent, some people even know the Celtics, and sometimes they don't understand me when I talk. Australia is very American in some ways but so foreign in others. It has been a great transition so far and I Love the Aussie culture. It is so laidback and centered around enjoying life. It never stops to amaze me how laidback they are as a people. So much more to write but I don't want to take up all the pages. Today I'm going on an Aboriginal Heritage tour with the program I came on (C.I.E.E.) and tomorrow I'm going on a wine and beer tour of the breweries in the Swan River Valley (East of Perth). I am excited to read all the other posts and will post pictures of what I have seen so far! Love, Sarah

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