Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Judie: You continue to amaze me with your technological savvy - posting graphics, changing the fonts, etc! You add a whole new dimension to this post. Hopefully we will hear from Leah soon - she is very busy with her school work and dealing with roommates who are smoking pot in her apartment!

I want you all to know that Morton's Steakhouse was unbelievable - the best meal I have had in a long time. I am still salivating at the memory of this meal. I have described it over and over again to anyone who will listen. My salmon meal was cooked to perfection. I ordered a fancy martini and sipped that while I enjoyed the a few laughs with my friends - very relaxing and enjoyable. A great way to spend a Friday evening - but the restaurant is quite costly - it would probably cost $100/per person on average, but we took advantage of restaurant week with a price of $33.00 and the liquor was expensive.

Bill Mooney is attempting to get my mother's old car (Buick 1994) back on the road. Leah drove this car while she was in high school and it has been languishing in my driveway for 4 years without being driven. We are going to see if we can get this car running again to give to Meredith's daughter, Lauren, who has fallen behind in her car payments - very expensive car payments for a young person - so her car is going to be repossessed this Friday and if we can get the buick running (Bill believes we can) then Lauren can drive the car and just pay for gas and insurance. I will keep my fingers crossed!

Judie - I am glad you had some time off and that the weather was spring-like! Yesterday and today - freezing - more like February weather. This morning it was in the teen's when I left the house.

I am so looking forward to having Friday off from work and I do not have to go to work at Curves on Saturday. Lee is arriving home from LA tomorrow evening and he will join Leah and myself for lunch on Friday at Davio's on Arlington St. in the Back Bay. We will celebrate Lee's birthday as well as mine (his birthday is April 5th). The temperature on Friday is expected to be near 60 degrees - I can hardly wait.

Well enough talking about myself! Oh - the open house at Curves on Saturday was quite successful - Meredith signed up 8 new members which will help build up her business financially. She was quite happy and it has taken some pressure off Meredith.

I hope we hear from Sarah with some new pictures!

Take care.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for your support, Debbie. I am happy that Leah and Lee will not be 3000 miles apart. That can't have been easy even with Blackberries and the like. Now, he can help her get through the last semester. Pot, No!!! That is the surest way to lose ambition and mental clarity. I am saddened that drugs are on campus. I will make a mental note about Morton's Steakhouse for future reference when I want to drop a couple of hundred dollars! I don't suppose Bill may want to join our blog? We could also use his insight. Happy that Meredith's business is on the upswing as that will benefit all of you.

