Monday, February 16, 2009

This blog is very exciting so there is an excessive number of people waiting to join.

I have overheard many people talking about this mooney/maloney blog. It was started by an accomplished designer and has been contributed to by a top level executive secretary as well as a person who communicates primarily with a donkey. If that aint enough, we are excitedly awaiting contributions from an A student recently returned from Australia, a top notch athletic student, and a highly comedic biotechnology manager. Run, don't walk, to the nearest computer to submit your entry!


  1. I, too, am anxiously awaiting word from down under or at least a post from the mother of this adventurous young lady.

    Judie - how much snow do you have?

  2. It is definitely Winter the last two weeks. 30-40 daytime, 20 nighttime. Because of all the rain in California and Washington, we have been getting daily snow showers which do not amount at our sea level which is 5400 feet. The mountains, however, are pretty and snowy.
